Creating the body memory of an "uplifted" sternum. In the video clip here, I show how an "uplifted" sternum can help us in the walk, giving us more balance and freeing the legs. There are many images that can help us in our alignment:
Add on: There is much more to say about the "correct" way of walking in Tango. The above text and the video are only a short "blip" shedding light onto a certain aspect of the walk. For instance one thing which I still want to say here is that during walking there is no up and down bouncing of the head. That means that the "lifting" of the sternum is more an internal movement and does not show on the head moving up. As basic rule for the head hight: It always stays constant during the walk and only at the end of the walk - at the collection of the feet, we go back to "zero" point - which is our full height. Now it's your turn to test it: Find out for yourself if lifting up the arm in a practice walk stimulates you to lift up your sternum and if so, what is the impact on your feet and legs and on the walking itself. |